Is a Routine Right for my Child?

Although a baby can’t talk, they are highly receptive to the environment and those caring for them. When you follow your baby’s lead as your health visitor or professional advises, it makes sense to do so. The problem is when you are following your baby’s lead and it feels hard work all the time, you…

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Baby Sleep

Sleep -Why won’t my Baby sleep?

Children and sleep should go together like bread and butter, so why is it that some children simply won’t fall asleep when they are clearly tired and rubbing their eyes. This seems such a natural thing and simple for everyone else but not your child. You probably hear people say, you just give them a…

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Childhood is a Curse and a Gift.

We are born innocent children and come into the world with a blank slate. All we want to do is have food, sleep, emotional nourishment, fun, and be entertained. Easy. Anyone can feed a baby, and give food to a child but what if they refuse? Start throwing toys? Crying for more attention than the…

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Should my child have a routine?

Do you dread Mondays mornings, is it a manic rush to get everyone out the house on time with children having slipped out of routine, refusing to put on coats and shoes, lost book bags and a baby clinging to your legs, that’s all before the work day has started? The switch from weekend and…

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Sleep-Is your child getting enough?

For the love of sleep, how was last week or your child’s half term? Did you manage to have a break or was life full-on even if you went away to a beautiful place for a holiday. We imagine holidays to be wonderful, relaxing, fun, and a great time to connect with your children especially…

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Changes in child Behaviour

Worried about changes in child Behaviour?

Last week I noticed an array of spring flowers crocuses and daffodil’s already in bloom, it seems out of character rather like a change in your child’s behaviour. It’s only mid-February, growing up in the countryside daffodils didn’t appear in our garden until March, we had a whole corner filled with them near the willow…

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