Heard of Montessori Education?

Heard of Montessori education but not sure what it is or would like to find out more? If you live in Cheltenham or the Cotswolds, you may like to join us this coming week at our introductory Mini-Montessori sessions. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/montessori-education-with-sanity-nanny-tickets-24865276712 Montessori is all about the ‘whole child’ and individual learning so what could be better…

BBC Radio Interview-Early Infant Care and Baby Sleep

Last week I was in London at a Neo-Natal and Early Infant Care Conference with some wonderful and highly trained Dr’s and physicians who shared the latest research about baby care practices in UK hospitals. Well more to the point it was about changing aspects of care and how good bonding and skin to skin…

Parenting Blog Awards

How many talented Mums are there out there? I’m amazed that Mums who’ve been up in the night feeding their baby or tending to a wakeful toddler still have time and energy to write a blog! I guess it is also a great way to show off your latent ‘Mummy talents’  especially if you are woken up…

Half-Term Holidays

Half term with the kids can be a great chill out and time to relax together without the stress of getting organised on time for school or the nursery run. If you are a working Mum this is a great time to discover what your children have been up to and how they have progressed.…

Christmas Present Ideas for Children

Wow it is nearly the first of December and already the Christmas season is in full swing, you are probably wondering what presents will I buy the children this year? It can be so difficult to buy a present that someone will really cherish. I can understand why relatives choose to give gift receipts or send money, however nothing…

Gaga- Toddler Language

When toddlers begin to talk it sounds really amusing, especially when they mix their words up or they can’t quite pronounce things, it all sounds a bit goo goo gaga. Everyone always loves it when you can communicate with a young child and begin to have a two-way conversation. What is really astounding is their…