Toddler New behaviour-How to manage children at the end of the day.
Dealing with a new behaviour in your toddler can be a real challenge, particularly when it’s been a long day and they get their ‘second wind’ directly after tea. This is when you may find yourself flagging even more or end up yelling at your son or daughter as they run on the opposite direction. Then feel guilty about it, after putting up with scenes like this….
Everything becomes a game to your kids and the more they laugh and run around, the more you get wound up, then just as you get them calm and ready for a bath, Daddy walks in the door! Now you are up for round two, as they run away again or sneak off into the garden, since you are now complaining at Dad and your son or daughter seizes the moment for ‘extra playtime’.
So how can you put an end to the antics and rein things back in?
You will need to have:
-Some structures to be in place and they need to be effective
– A plan that you stick to
– Set rules that everyone knows and understands
-A couple of warnings and if no results or change, there needs to be
This is an important time in your child’s development and if you let them control bedtimes, you’ve only got yourself to blame. If you’ve let them stay up one night because the sun’s out or you’re having wine with friends and they go down later than normal, they are of course going to want to do the same again, so stick to your rules.
Testing times with toddlers can leave you despairing. If you are in need of some new ideas or bedtime tactics to get your toddlers behaviour under control, please get in touch and we’ll help you have your child in bed in no time at all, without unnecessary fuss or drama.