Parenting Style Quiz

Being a nanny for many years I noticed how parents behave and what responses they get from their child, most of this is unconscious but can cause confusion within the family environment. Discover which of the four styles you are and the kind of results it creates with your child. Choose an answer from each section below to reveal the dominant animal style/s you are.

I constantly chase my tail and feel exhausted, I never seem to complete all the daily tasks
I don’t mind if I have a full nights’ sleep or often get woken by my child
I mostly wake up energised and refreshed
When tired, I tend to snap, be irritable and short-tempered



On the whole, we all get on and work well together as a family unit
Relationships can be tense, I get explosive/ impatient with family members, especially when things aren’t done the way I believe they should be.
We sometimes argue, I often ignore my child’s behaviour and rarely need to tell my child off
I love my children being/playing close to me, I rarely let them out of my sight



My partner and I mostly agree and work together, we have rules and share the same ideas about childcare
I am easy going and simply let the day flow, I’m always ready to play/read with my child even when there’s tasks needing to be done.
I like to be flexible and find it hard to be consistent with childcare. I give in easily and sometimes take my stress out on my partner /family members
I get annoyed quickly with the crying/my child’s behaviour and often shout/lose my temper when my child doesn’t comply.



My child can play well on their own, however will ignore my requests, throw a tantrum/cry when I stop and has a short attention span. My child is constantly wanting attention.
My child is often clingy, whines and mostly wants me to play with them. They tend to get upset/cry if I left alone, so I get very little done.
My child’s behaviour is explosive one minute and kind and loving the next, its exhausting. It drives me to shout/raise my voice, then I flood myself with guilt.
My child behaves well 80-90% of the time and is a joy to be around each day



I’m often tired and feel guilty if I don’t constantly play/do what my child asks, I love to pick up my child whenever they want, I’m happy being bottom of the pile
I enjoy a balanced life, I set expectations for myself and encourage my child to do as best they can, ideally by themselves
I’m exhausted, I often feel my child is in control/bullying me, I need a break
I believe in working hard every day no matter what and my child must always be/do the best too, I haven’t got time to rest/relax



We all get on well as a family unit, enjoy doing activities together and have fun 90% of the time
We rarely do activities as a family, I’m really too busy/tired to remember what we last did together. I mostly prefer separate activities to the children
I love to hang out with my children, however I resent that I rarely have a moment free, often finding myself responsible for childcare while my partner does their ‘thing’ or works.
Weeks blur from one to the next. Weekends are a nightmare, if we spend time doing activities together it can be fraught, life’s chaotic



I often worry, I know there is room for improvement
I’m content we’re all bumbling along, I look forward to getting life back in order when the children are older
I’m totally happy and excited about family life and what lies ahead
I’m not sure if we’ll make it. I feel trapped/overwhelmed and use threats to bribe, I often criticise/snap at family members



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I'm %%personality%%


But I'm also %%personality%%



Why work with me?

Childcare is a rollercoaster of ups and downs. When you’re sleep deprived, you simply can’t give your best to your children, and both your family life and your relationship can suffer enormously.

The first five years are the hardest, yet they’re also the most influential – so what do you do?

What many parents don’t know is that, with a little knowledge and some simple, effective techniques, those sleepless nights can be avoided.

That’s where I come in.

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I work with high-achieving professionals and entrepreneurs who are experiencing long and short-term sleep and behavioural issues.

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